
Choose your plan

Personal subscription

For individuals and sole proprietors with basic secure document sharing needs and no customization requirements.

US$8.00 /month Annual subscription—auto renews

($12.00 if paying monthly)

Additional taxes may apply

Core features include:

  • 1 user

  • Unlimited view-only users

  • 2 TB secure data storage

  • Secure document sharing functionality

  • Access to Due’s template library

  • Ongoing support

  • Access to free training material

  • Free cancellation if paying monthly

Teams subscription

For small-medium sized teams, with basic secure document sharing needs, AI-assisted document review with some customization.

US$99.00 user/month Annual subscription—auto renews

($149.00 if paying monthly)

Additional taxes may apply

Core features include:

  • Pay per user

  • Unlimited view-only users

  • Unlimited secure data storage

  • Secure document sharing functionality

  • Access to Due’s template library

  • 24/7 ongoing support

  • Access to free training material

  • AI review (token limit applies)

  • Free cancellation if paying monthly

Enterprise package

For enterprise-wide solutions who are looking for a customized solution to solve their most pressing operational challenges.

Quoted k

(Annual subsciption / billable monthly)

Additional taxes may apply

Core features include:

  • Unlimited users

  • Unlimited view-only users

  • Unlimited secure data storage

  • Secure document sharing functionality

  • Access to Due’s template library

  • 24/7 ongoing support

  • Access to free training material

  • AI review (tailored AI functionality costing methodologies)

  • 40 hours of complimentary customization

  • 20 hours of complimentary training

  • Approval flow functionality

  • Systems integration options

  • Dedicated account manager

  • Local deployment available

  • Discounted rates for staff personal use

  • Customized reports available using company styles